

Arizona Daily Star — Roundup — Teenagers Turn To Science by Leo Della Betta, June 28, 1953
Arizona Daily Star — Roundup — Teenagers Turn To Science by Leo Della Betta, June 28, 1953

The common link? As youth, they spent time learning about natural history at the 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐.

长期以来,年轻人在世界杯app软件推荐中占有重要地位. 在《世界杯app软件推荐》一书中,威廉. (�Bill�)卡尔谈到了博物馆早期的工作, 告诉2022世界杯下注是谁创造了Museumï的早期足迹;

�Our two high school lads, John Pearse and Don Koehler, were helping with the muscle work. 我在上班的第一天早上召集了这些男孩, and simply said, �All right, Iï i’我要在地上画一些线. You just follow along with a rake and shovel and clear a path where I�ve marked.�

So saying, 我拿起一根锋利的棍子, 扫视了一下场地, 到现在为止,我对它们连最后一丛灌木都很熟悉了, 我的后背大致指向东南方向. 从露台下方开始, 通往沙漠小径的台阶在哪里, 我沿着圆周顺时针后退, 在地上留下了划痕. Thus the shopworn jest that the Desert Museum started from scratch or that it was begun backwards. 不管怎样,在那个难忘的早晨,一切都开始了.

Within a short time my pair of eager helpers had scraped and pruned this first pathway into a level, unobstructed passage, 它的承诺是可爱的.

--- My hope � and my intent regarding the Museum � has always been that many other young people --- would find knowledge and inspiration, 如果不是职业生涯, 与2022世界杯下注博物馆将提供的户外活动密切相关. 2022世界杯下注一路走来所取得的成就就是这样的, and it is heartening to recall the troops of youths whose acquaintance with the desert � and themselves � has been improved by our association.�

And so it began �


罗杰·卡彭特- 2018

在博物馆工作很棒! �Lots of fun. 我喜欢我的同事(差不多有十几个)!我didnï不介意任何任务, 包括打扫两个洗手间, or taking all the trash and animal refuse up to the area behind the Ranger�s (Joe Carrither's) house to burn it.�And cleaning most of the animal cages (some exceptions) brought us in close contact with the bobcats, javelinas, etc. ï罗杰·卡彭特,2019

哈维·戈德森- 2016

Some of my best memories in my life were working at the Desert Museum � both working with staff and because of the great fauna. I was part of the weekend staff and was responsible for cleaning and feeding the animals with scales, 羽毛和皮毛�和昆虫. ï哈维·戈德森,2019

Today, the Museum continues to celebrate youth involvement through a variety of programs.

The Junior Docent Program educates teen volunteers (ages 13-18) about natural history and trains them to engage with Museum guests, 分享自然历史和保护故事.

自1995年以来,这个项目已经服务了500多名青少年. The primary job of a Junior Docent is to teach museum visitors about the natural history of the Sonoran Desert region, but it also helps them to acquire life and study skills that prepare them for college and careers. 他们练习解决问题, strengthen communication skills and learn the value of collaboration with others, 同时建立自信和公共演讲技巧. Junior Docents receive comprehensive training on the Sonoran Desert Region�s plants, animals, geology and ecology, 但也要学会如何与他人分享.

In recent interviews, 初级导赏员分享了他们对初级导赏员计划的看法, the Museum, 和他们的博物馆家族:

亚历山大·派伊读物 青少年转向科学- 2019

From Alexander Pye � �The Junior Docent Program taught me public speaking skills and gave me confidence in working with the public. 它教会了我团队合作的价值. The program teaches you so much about the Sonoran Desert and how to prepare yourself for life ahead. It gives you the ability to carry your skills forward when you leave the Junior Docent program.�

卡桑德拉·“凯西”·劳森- 2019

From Cassandra �Casey� Lawson � �If I were writing a book about the Museum, my theme would be, 它周围的社区——建造这座博物馆的人们, Whatï是他成就了今天. Their support and dedication to the Museum and the personal stories of these people have made it a really beautiful and diverse and interesting place to visit.�

Mariah Joseph - 2019

玛丽亚·约瑟夫��作为初级医生, our biggest responsibility is how we represent the Museum as a whole and how we show respect for the institution that it is.�

Junior Docents

博物馆为所有年龄段的青少年都举办各种活动. Many experience the Desert Museum for the first time on school field trips. 博物馆大约有20个,每年有1000名学生进行实地考察, and sees another 10,在社区外展项目中. The Museum even has a special membership program for kids called the Coati Kids Club今年是该公司成立近25周年. 夏令营是博物馆提供的另一项服务, 其中包括博物馆探险(1年级�6年级), 《世界杯app软件推荐》(5年级�7年级). Earth Camp, started in 2005, focuses on ages 13 � 15 year olds and allows participants to experience science outside the laboratory. Authentic field research allows students hands-on experience in learning about the natural world and developing a passion to preserve and protect it.

Earth Camp
Earth Camp, 2008
Photo of Andres Cano
州代表Andr�s Cano - 2007
Quoting State Representative Andr�s Cano in 2019 � �Ten years ago, 地球夏令营教会了我去爱, honor, 尊重2022世界杯下注周围的世界.� Today, at age 27, I�m standing up for Arizona�s natural resources in the Arizona House of Representatives.�

Debbie Colodner, ASDM�s Conservation Education & 科学主任说, �The Desert Museum�s youth programs are an investment in our community, helping to create citizens who can succeed in college and a wide variety of careers, 并为更可持续的未来提供领导.�

Once again, Bill Carr proved to be a visionary for Southern Arizona and the 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐.


注:初级医师亚历山大·派, Mariah Joseph, 卡桑德拉�Casey�劳森为这个小插曲接受了采访. Amy Orchard, Desert Museum Program Specialist, contributed to the vignette. 小插图是由安妮C. Warner.

报纸扫描由 亚利桑那每日星报�综述,青少年转向科学——利奥·德拉·贝塔——1953年6月28日

The 亚利桑那-索诺拉世界杯app软件推荐 (ASDM) Oral History Project is designed to chronicle the history of ASDM. The interviews and collected materials provide an opportunity to capture the memories of museum founders, members, staff, and guests; and to share those memories with Tucson and the conservation community at large.

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